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Stock Monthly Mover Strategy

Stock Monthly Mover Strategy

Read the full strategy study here.


What do you receive by buying this strategy?


The E-book presents detailed rules, backtest results, and a description of the strategy.

An SQX file ready to be used on the Algocloud and StrategyQuant platforms.

Pseudocode that describes all the rules in an easy-to-understand way.

All components will be delivered in a .zip file by email immediately after purchase.


Programs to open received files:


  • ZIP file

Any program that can open ZIP files, such as Windows Explorer

  • PDF file

Any program for PDF files, such as Adobe Reader

  • SQX file

Using platforms like Algocloud or StrategyQuant

  • TXT file

Using programs like Notepad (for Windows) or TextEdit (for MacOS)


If you need the strategy code in formats such as TradeStation (EasyLanguage), MultiCharts, MT4, or MT5 (MQL), please contact us regarding this matter.


If you have any questions or problems with a purchase please contact us.




    The results obtained from historical data do not guarantee future outcomes. The effectiveness of a strategy can change over time. Backtesting is a tool that allows for the analysis and evaluation of an investment strategy based on historical data. Various factors, such as market changes or economic conditions, can influence the effectiveness of a strategy over time.

    Investing always involves risk. This material is not investment advice. We share our experience and algorithms for educational purposes. We make efforts to ensure that our algorithms are error-free, but neither we nor the tools we use guarantee the absence of technical issues. Any decisions to use a particular strategy are made at your own risk and should be preceded by careful understanding and verification. You should always carefully consider your investment goals and risk tolerance before making investment decisions.

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